在不知道歐姆法律的情況下,很難進入電子產品。以[georg obm]命名它描述了線性電路中的電流和電壓關係。但是,有兩種法律更加基本,俄亥俄州的法律差不多尊重。那些是基爾霍夫的法律。
在簡單的條件下,Kirchhoff的法律真的表達了能量保護。 Kirchhoff的當前法律(KCL)表示,進入單點(節點)的目前必須具有完全相同的電流。如果您更加數學,可以說,進入的當前和流出的總和始終為零,因為與當前進入的電流相比,電流將具有負符號。
來自電池的電流必須等於電流進入電池的電流。左側的兩個電阻器,最佳通過它們(1.56 mA)。在模擬器的捨入錯誤中,拆分的每個分支都有其總數(注意底部腿具有3k總阻力,因此較少電流)。
Kirchhoff的電壓法(KVL)表示環繞循環的電壓必須總和為零。佔據一個簡單的例子。 12V電池在其中有一個12V燈泡。燈泡穿過多少電壓? 12V。如果有兩個相同的燈泡,它們仍將在每個燈泡上看到12V。
標記為Vx的節點具有三個電流。 I1是電池的電流和R1流入。I2是流過R2的電流,I3是流過R3的電流。您可以輕鬆地為所有三種電流編寫方程式:
I1 =(vx-v1)/ r1
I2 =(vx-v2)/ r2
I3 =(vx-v2)/ r3
I1 =(VX-5)/ 300
I2 = Vx / R2
i3 = vx / r3
請注意,上面的第一行是“向後”,因為I1流入節點Vx,其他情況流出;有幾種方法可以選擇處理這一點。現在使用KCL我們知道:i1 + i2 + i3 = 0您可以替換所有我的等式:
(VX-5)/ 300 + Vx / 500 + Vx / 100 = 0
(5VX + 3VX + 15VX)/ 1500 = 5/300
23VX / 1500 = 5/300
23Vx = 1500(5/300)
Vx = 25/23 = 1.09V(約)
如果您真的希望追求更高的數學,您可能會在下面的節點分析上欣賞Khan Academy視頻。請注意,他們明確處理負電流的思想。如果您想在我們的示例上使用它們的數學,那麼I2和I3顯式為負,i1是derived from 5-Vx instead of Vx-5. then you wind up with -23Vx=-25 and get the same result in the end. That’s how math is.
The other way to do this sort of systematic analysis with KCL and KVL is mesh analysis. There you use superposition and simultaneous equations. but don’t worry — it isn’t as hard as it might sound. rather than go into that, you can view another Khan Academy video on the subject. just dust off those algebra skills.
[Gustav Kirchhoff] was a German physicist who worked all this out in 1845, about 20 years after [Ohm] worked out his law. Actually, [Ohm] wasn’t first, he was just the first to talk about it. [Henry Cavendish] figured out Ohm’s law in 1781 using Leyden jars (big capacitors) and his own body as an ammeter. He’d complete the circuit with his body and judge the current flow by the amount of shock he received. now that’s dedication. [Ohm] had a better experimental setup and — as far as we know — didn’t shock himself as a matter of course.
You might think that [Ohm] was well respected for his discovery, but that wasn’t the case. The establishment was very upset with his findings. One German yearbook of scientific critique labeled it “a web of naked fancies.” The German minister of education called it a “heresy.” It was in opposition to Barlow’s law (suggested in 1825 by [Peter Barlow]) which said that current was related to the diameter of the wire and the length of it.
Actually, [Barlow] wasn’t completely wrong. He used a constant voltage and did not understand (as [Ohm] did) that the voltage source had an internal resistance. [Ohm], in fact, switched from batteries to thermocouples because at the time they had a much more stable output and predictable low internal resistance.
It is hard to imagine today, but there was a lot of experimentation and law writing back then — not all of it correct, obviously. often the person we associate with the work wasn’t really the first, just the one that published. another example is the Wheatstone bridge. [Sir Charles Wheatstone] made it famous, but it was actually the brainchild of [Samuel Christie].
For some reason, everyone knows Ohm’s law, but you don’t hear much about poor old [Gustav]. If you take an electrical engineering class, these laws are among the first things you learn. You might not use it every day, especially in this day of computer simulations. However, understanding analysis like this can help you develop an intuitive understanding of electronics.
By the way, the simulations in this post are using the Falstad simulator we’ve covered before. While it is common to use a simulator to just give you answers, it is also helpful to let it check your work. The equations above, for example, would be easy to mix up signs or make another mistake. If the answer doesn’t match the simulator, you probably made a mistake. Sure, you can just read the value off the simulator, but that doesn’t let you develop the intuition that working through the math will.